Tuesday, 2 November 2010

My New Roomies

I brought food from home: a bag full of it. In fact, I took pains lugging it through Security-Check, proving to them at certain points that the sweets and savories weren't in fact plastic explosives and miscellaneous children of modern warfare. It was, of course, totally worth the effort. Home-food is, as you will agree, unparalleled in awesomeness. And one can never have enough of it.

And thus food from home found itself in S7 - Cautley Bhawan after a rather painful dry spell. It doesn't require Einsteinian IQ to figure out that one can't bring Vadais and Appams and Payasams all the way here, and still manage to enjoy them as food few days later if one isn't anaerobic. Luckily though, the same doesn't apply to sweets and savories. And one can never eat enough of them.

The ants dwelling in my room can't get enough of them either. I discovered today, with much alarm, that (not only are there lizards on my walls) I share my humble dwelling with myriad ants as well. I haven't ever bothered their sedentary lives just as they haven't interrupted mine. But today marked an end of those days of peace. Quite obviously, there isn't enough place for both of us! And hence I took to arms.

But then I faced the tiniest of problems. They were feasting on my 'handmade murukku' which I valued simply too much. So bashing their skulls in with the umbrella handle was out of the question. So, I calmly broke off a piece and kept it beside the rest of the stuff. And presto, within quarter of an hour, the ants completely forgot the packet full of murukku and went after the measly piece. I smiled. And then I threw the piece out of my window. And with it, my roomies.

It surprised me that all those ants went after one single piece of food. They forgot about the whole packet of goodies. And they'll never find out about the bag (mothership) of food. Somehow, I find their behaviour appallingly similar to ours!


  1. You just proved the power of intelligence over industry. It does work sometimes.
    Murukku. I miss that.

  2. Listen. There's something called sharing. And it's a virtue.

  3. @ Lefty,
    True. But we continue to overrate our intelligence... Most of us aren't very different from these ants, actually.
    Btw, were you in 'Mijdrecht' or 'Soesterberg' recently?

    @ PPT,
    Yeah, that's why I threw them out along with their food. I like sharing.

  4. @Kondy-
    I love Murukku too.
    P.S - No. He was in a bag recently.

  5. bum! you didnt tell me about food in your room!

  6. @ Anunaya, What are you touche-ing?
    @ Vixie, Remind me to get you some next time around.
    @ Raghav and Pisro, then come over jackasses... while I still have stuff left!

  7. What a stroke of genius. Beats me why I never thought of doing the same.
    When you say 'my homemade murukku', do you mean to say you prepared it with your hands? And unlike everybody else here, I don't exactly miss murukku. Because I am home.

  8. @ Arun,
    I now feel sorry for the ants. They're very much like us. And homemade thengozhal was made at my home. Homemade murukku however was made at The Grand Sweets.
